Rabu, 28 Mei 2014

Indonesian Customs and Habits [Kebiasaan dan Adat]

Indonesian Customs and Habits

1.    Inappropriate Time | | Culture Clock Rubber
• Positive: There is nothing positive from these cultures
• Negative: Habits of Indonesian people who are not on time will only make the person in a hurry to do something. example: if a person is working at 08.00, then she had left home at 07.00, especially if the distance to distant workplaces and roads are jammed situation, it causes the person in a hurry and running to be able to get to work so as not to be late more old. It also creates resentment for someone who is on time. example: if there are two people who make an agreement to meet, and one of those is late, it will cause annoyance to others who have been waiting a long time.

2.    Corruption, Collusion, Nepotism
• Positive: nothing positive from these cultures
• Negative: culture of corruption is harming themselves and others. Taking the rights of others will make one's life becomes unsettled. But unfortunately in fact corruption has become a culture in Indonesia or to say corruption is talkative culture, because if there is someone that corruption in an institution, it will cause people around these institutions are interested in doing something similar. Moreover, if the sanction given to the perpetrators of corruption are still very light, it causes people to not be afraid to commit corruption.

3.    Liked shortcuts
• Positive: make it easier and faster for someone achieve something purpose, so as not to waste time that could be used for other things.
• Negative: instant cultural or shortcuts will only make a person lazy in doing something. This culture causes a person will perform a variety of ways to achieve their goals, no matter how good or bad it is. Example: seserorang want to cross the street, but not through the crossing stairs because they consider crossing through crossing the old staircase and tired. So that one would prefer to cross directly on the street, whereas the risk is someone could get hit by passing vehicles fast.

4.    Glad to throw the word "do not" | | example: "Do not Cheating" becomes "Cheating". "Do not throw litter" to "throw litter".
• Positive: nothing positive from these cultures
• Negative: This habit is not very good and not exemplary because it will only hurt others and even ourselves. This habit is tantamount to breaking the established rules.

5.    Know, But Not Want to know
• In fact, many Indonesian people who know about the bad effects of something done, but still do.
• Example: Though people know that smoking is the same as killing yourself, but still many people who smoke.

6.    Mutual Aid
• Positive: This culture may increase familiarity among humans, because it relates to cultural activities help each other in doing something.
• Negative: no negatives from this culture

7.    Shaking Hands
• Positive : Greetings-shake, a cultural practice that goes around us. Cultural greetings-shake often we see ranging from everyday life or in a formal event. Taught according RasulAllah, shake culture in Islam has several important benefits that we should know. Among the benefits or efficacy shake hands as follows: as an intermediary braid friendship, as a form of mutual mendo'akan, as a form of apology if we have errors, also as a sign of honor for the older ones.

8.    7 Months
• In Indonesia, this event was a custom of the tribe of Java. However, this time not only ethnic Javanese who carry it out. But already spread throughout Indonesia. It is a form of gratitude. 7 months of pregnancy congratulations performed as a form of gratitude for the people who have been given a descent by the Creator. When measured from the day of birth, the mother is only waiting for 2 months for delivery. And to get to 7 months, the mother usually been through a process that could be considered sweet and bitter. Imagine, already inhabiting the stomach of the baby's mother for 7 months. Of course it is something to be grateful.

9.    Tahlilan Tradition
• Positive: Tahlilan tradition held by most people. That the deceased person received his charitable hand of God and received forgiveness for his sin which he has done during the life of the world. Tahlilan also have some goals that are not only perceived benefits for families who carry out alone, but can also be felt by the invitation to attend. namely: Entertain the family of the late / deceased. Reducing the burden of the family of the late / deceased. Inviting deceased relatives / deceased to always be patient over the disaster it has faced. In addition to connect and tighten the relationship between the invitation to the family of the late / deceased. Also Apologizing for the mistake I have ever done by the late / deceased during his lifetime to the invitation. Also As a means of settlement of the rights and obligations of the late / deceased towards people who are still alive.
• Negative: The origin of this tradition actually comes from the Hindu-Buddhist culture modified by ideas on Songo guardian, spreaders of Islam in Java. Initially there is no tradition tahlilan, because old people still believe in the spirits and the supernatural. Seeing this fact, in addition to spread message of Islam, the trustees Songo also determined to change their habits very thick shades tahayyul will then be directed to the Islamic custom patterned and realistic. For that, they preach through artistic and cultural paths that is favored by people with little modify and remove elements at odds with Islam. so, this is not a negative culture tahlilan provided it is done based on Islamic Shari'a.


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